Appendix - Logi Load Balancing: Keyfactor Command Configuration Wizard Setup

In order for the Keyfactor Command Management Portal Dashboard and Reports to load when using a load balancer, the Keyfactor Command Configuration Wizard should have the following configuration on each of the application servers:

  • On the Keyfactor Command Portal Tab, the Host NameClosed The unique identifier that serves as name of a computer. It is sometimes presented as a fully qualified domain name (e.g. and sometimes just as a short name (e.g. servername). must be the Load Balanced URL.

    Figure 523: Logi Configuration Settings—Keyfactor Command Portal Tab

  • Dashboard and Reports Tab:
    • The Host Name must be the Load Balanced URL. This is the host name that the Management Portal server uses to connect to the Logi Analytics Platform, and it therefore needs to be the name used on the internal side of the network.
    • The Keyfactor Command Site IP Address(es) must contain:
      • The application machine IPv4 addresses for all of the servers that will be load balanced.
      • The application machine IPv6 addresses for all of the servers that will be load balanced if IPv6 is enabled.
      • The internal IPv4 addresses of the load balancer that the load balancer will use to connect to the application servers.

    Figure 524: Logi Configuration Settings—Keyfactor Command Dashboards and Reports Tab

Tip:   All IP Addresses that could be used internally to connect to the Logi application must be in the Dashboard and Reports configuration section in the configuration wizard. This includes the application host IPs and the load balancer IPs. It is also recommended that the host file is modified to map the load balancer URL to the local IP address.